Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012


When I still at Junior High School. I had a close friend. Her name was Shinta. The first time I met her, I never thought that we would be close friend. I thought she was very conceited because she didn’t adress me first time when we met each other. But, her house not far from my house. So, I can come to  her house any time I want to.
               I don’t know why I was interested in her. I always went to school with her, because we were studying at the same school. Althought not in same class. She was in I D and I was in I C. I often came to her house for asked task or  just for played. Little by little our relationship could became closer. She was very kind and never hurt my feeling. Althought, sometimes I had trouble because of our different idea.
               She also never keep off when I asked her to accompany me to bookstore or cinema.
               One day, I would went to the beach with my family. And I asked her to joined with my family. And she agreed. We were very happy at the time!
               The following day, she wasn’t came to school because sick. 1 day, 2 days she not went to school. The 3 days, I came to her house. Her face was pale. But she looked very happy when I visited her.
               Several week, the Mosque in the near house notice that Shinta Dianti was die. I’m very, verystruck at that time. Shinta, my close friend whom I loved so much left me forever.
Till now, I still can’t forget Shinta ..

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